Smile Care Dental Center is a family practice clinic dedicated to restorative dentistry and comprehensive care.
A trusted name in the community for over 50 years.

Dental Services
Restorative Dentistry
Restoring or replacing teeth to return to full functionality and esthetics.
Cleanings or Prophylaxis
Removing calculus or tartar with a scaling instrument and polishing off plaque.
Crowns and Bridges
Fixed options to restore broken teeth and replace missing teeth.
Removable Prosthetics
Removable options to replace missing teeth.
Implant Restoration
Restoring an implant with a natural-looking and high functioning crown.
Why Choose Smile Care Dental Center?
We are a family practice dental clinic dedicated to comprehensive care and cosmetic and restorative dentistry.
Brand New Facility
To better serve you, we just opened our newly built dental center located at 2028 Ward Ave La Crosse, WI.
State-Of-The-Art Care
Our practice offers state-of-the-art dental techniques and procedures. We proudly combine the benefits of modern dentistry with the caring of a hometown dental practice.
Strategic Approach
In treating our patients, we look at the overall picture of their dental needs and then develop a strategy with the patient for achieving optimal results.
Contact Us
Ready to get started or have some unanswered questions?
Get in touch in the way most convenient for you.